Set against the backdrop of a political scandal, this film delves into the events surrounding Senator Ted Kennedy’s involvement in a tragic car accident that resulted in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. The narrative explores the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by Kennedy, portrayed by Jason Clarke, as he navigates the fallout from the incident. With a strong supporting cast including Kate Mara and Ed Helms, the film offers a gripping portrayal of a pivotal moment in American history. Directed by John Curran, it provides a nuanced look at the intersection of personal and public life. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Thriller
Director: John Curran
Actors: Bruce Dern, Clancy Brown, Ed Helms, Gillian Mariner Gordon, Jason Clarke, Jim Gaffigan, John Fiore, Kate Mara, Olivia Thirlby, Taylor Nichols
Country: Sweden, United States of America
Company: Apex Entertainment, Chimney, DMG Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $18,263,470