Caught in the Crossfire
In this gritty crime drama directed by Brian A. Miller, two detectives find themselves embroiled in a dangerous web of corruption and deceit after a botched drug bust. As they navigate the treacherous waters of police politics and street crime, they must determine who they can trust. The film features performances by Chris Klein and 50 Cent, adding star power to the intense narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Brian A. Miller
Actors: 50 Cent, Brian A. Miller, Chris Klein, Christine Lakin, Jason Ambrose, Lyle Kanouse, Michael Matthias, R.D. Miller Jr., Sydney Hall, Tim Fields
Country: United States of America
Company: Cheetah Vision, Miller Roth Films
Worldwide Gross: $11,850