Castles in the Sky
Set in the mid-1930s, as the threat of World War II loomed over Germany, this film follows Robert Watson Watt, the trailblazer behind Radar technology, and his team of quirky yet brilliant meteorologists. They face the daunting task of transforming the Radar concept into a functional reality. Despite being constrained by a limited budget, overwhelming technical challenges, and even the presence of a spy among them, Watson Watt must also navigate personal marital issues while pursuing his vision. By 1939, he and his team successfully establish the world’s first Radar system along England’s southeast coast, a crucial development that played a key role in securing victory in the Battle of Britain in 1940.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History, TV Movie, War
Director: Gillies MacKinnon
Actors: Alex Jennings, Celyn Jones, David Hayman, Eddie Izzard, Iain McKee, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Karl Davies, Laura Fraser, Lesley Harcourt, Tim McInnerny
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Black Camel Pictures, Hero Productions, The Open University