In this high-octane action thriller directed by Jung Byung-gil, a man wakes up with no memory of his past and a mysterious device in his head. As he embarks on a dangerous mission to uncover his identity, he must navigate a world filled with peril and deception. The film stars Joo Won, who delivers a gripping performance as the protagonist caught in a web of intrigue. While the movie has not received any notable awards, it stands out for its intense action sequences and innovative storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Jung Byung-gil
Actors: Camilla Belle, Gina Theresa Williamson, Jeong So-ri, Joo Won, Jung Hae-kyun, Jung Jae-young, Kim Bo-min, Lee Sung-jae, Mike Colter, Yeo Dae-hyun
Country: South Korea
Company: Apeitda, Musa Productions