Set in the 1950s, this film follows the story of a young aspiring photographer, Therese Belivet, and her romantic involvement with an older, sophisticated woman named Carol Aird. As their relationship develops, they must navigate the societal norms and personal challenges of the era. The film stars Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, whose performances have been widely acclaimed. Directed by Todd Haynes, it received numerous nominations and awards, including six Academy Award nominations. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 15
Genre: Drama, New Year's Eve, Romance
Director: Todd Haynes
Actors: Amy Warner, Anita Farmer Bergman, Ann Reskin, Annie Kalahurka, Carrie Brownstein, Cate Blanchett, Chelsea Carnder, Christine Dye, Chuck Gillespie, Colin Botts, Cory Michael Smith, Deb G. Girdler, Douglas Scott Sorenson, Gary Chinn, Giedre Bond, Greg Violand, Jake Lacy, Jeremy Parker, John Magaro, Kay Geiger, Ken Strunk, Kevin Crowley, Kk Heim, Kyle Chandler, Liberty Fraysure, Linnea Bond, Michael Haney, Michael Joseph Thomas Ward, Michael Ward, Mike Dennis, Nik Pajic, Pamela Evans Haynes, Richard Doone, Robert J. Ashe, Rooney Mara, Ryan Wesley Gilreath, Sadie Heim, Sarah Paulson, Steven Andrews, Tanya Smith, Taylor Frey, Trent Rowland, Wendy Lardin, William Cross
Country: Australia, France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Film4, Number 9 Films, The Weinstein Company
Worldwide Gross: $44,375,432