Careful What You Wish For
In this 2015 thriller directed by Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum, a young man named Doug Martin, played by Nick Jonas, finds himself entangled in a web of deceit and danger during a summer at his family’s lake house. The plot thickens when Doug becomes involved with Lena Harper, the alluring wife of a wealthy investment banker, portrayed by Isabel Lucas. As their affair spirals out of control, Doug is drawn into a complex scheme that threatens to unravel his life. The film also features Dermot Mulroney in a pivotal role. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum
Actors: Alex ter Avest, David Sherrill, Dermot Mulroney, Graham Rogers, Isabel Lucas, Kandyse McClure, Kevin J. O’Connor, Marc Macaulay, Nick Jonas, Paul Sorvino
Country: United States of America
Company: Hyde Park Entertainment, Merced Media Partners, Troika Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $82,230