Call Girl
Set in the politically charged atmosphere of 1970s Sweden, this film delves into the murky world of political scandal and prostitution. The story follows a young girl who becomes entangled in a high-profile investigation that threatens to expose the dark underbelly of the political elite. Directed by Mikael Marcimain, the film is noted for its meticulous attention to period detail and its gripping narrative. It features standout performances from Pernilla August and Simon J. Berger. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mikael Marcimain
Actors: David Dencik, Hanna Ullerstam, Josefin Asplund, Kristoffer Joner, Magnus Krepper, Pernilla August, Ruth Vega Fernandez, Simon J. Berger, Sofia Karemyr, Sven Nordin
Country: Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden
Company: Friland, Garagefilm International, Newgrange Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,922,273