In this 2010 thriller, a young couple’s life takes a dramatic turn when they stumble upon a suitcase filled with cash. As they begin to spend the money, they find themselves entangled with a dangerous criminal who demands repayment. The film stars Sean Bean, known for his intense performances, and Chris Hemsworth, who was on the cusp of his breakout role as Thor. Directed by Stephen Milburn Anderson, the movie explores themes of greed and consequence. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Stephen Milburn Anderson
Actors: Antony Thekkek, Chris Hemsworth, Glenn Plummer, Larry Neumann Jr., Michael Mantell, Mike Starr, Paul Sanchez, Peggy Roeder, Sean Bean, Thampy Antony, Victoria Profeta
Country: United States of America
Company: Immortal Thoughts, Three Good Men
Worldwide Gross: $46,488