Bye Bye Blackbird
Set in the early 1900s, this period drama follows Josef, a former construction worker who once found joy in dancing on steel beams high above the city. Now, he works as a janitor at a circus. When the circus owner notices Josef’s fearless trapeze skills, he decides to team him up with his daughter Alice, an aerialist, for a daring aerial duet. The film presents a romanticized portrayal of circus life, featuring a worn-out angel in a shabby, feathered costume.
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Director: Robinson Savary
Actors: Andrej Aćin, Chris Bearne, Claire Johnston, Derek Jacobi, Izabella Miko, James Thiérrée, Jodhi May, Michael Lonsdale, Věra Bílá
Country: Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, United Kingdom
Company: Ipso Facto Films, Samsa Film