Bushi no kondate
Set in the Edo period, this film follows the story of a young woman named Haru, who is an exceptional cook. She marries into a samurai family and uses her culinary skills to help her husband, Yasunobu, who is struggling to fulfill his duties as a samurai chef. The movie stars Aya Ueto and Kengo Kora, and is directed by Yūzō Asahara. It beautifully explores themes of love, duty, and the art of cooking. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Yūzō Asahara
Actors: Aya Ueto, Hana Ebise, Kengo Kora, Kenta Hamano, Kimiko Yo, Naoto Ogata, Riko Narumi, Tasuku Emoto, Toshiyuki Nishida, Yui Natsukawa
Country: Japan
Company: ACE Productions, Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), dentsu
Worldwide Gross: $4,968,780