In this 2018 South Korean psychological drama, a young aspiring writer named Jong-su encounters a childhood friend, Hae-mi, who asks him to look after her cat while she travels. Upon her return, she introduces Jong-su to a mysterious and wealthy man named Ben, who harbors a peculiar hobby. Directed by Lee Chang-dong, the film delves into themes of obsession, class disparity, and existential ennui, creating a slow-burning narrative that leaves audiences pondering long after the credits roll. The film was critically acclaimed and was South Korea’s entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 91st Academy Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Lee Chang-dong
Actors: Ban Hye-ra, Cha Mi-kyung, Choi Seung-ho, Jun Jong-seo, Kim Soo-kyung, Lee Bong-ryeon, Min Bok-gi, Moon Sung-keun, Steven Yeun, Yoo Ah-in
Country: Japan, South Korea
Company: NHK, Now Films, Pine House Film
Worldwide Gross: $7,578,063