In this Austrian drama, directed by Karl Markovics, the story follows Roman Kogler, a young man serving time in a juvenile detention center. As part of his rehabilitation, he takes a job at a morgue, which becomes a transformative experience, prompting him to confront his past and seek redemption. The film is noted for its poignant exploration of themes such as isolation and the search for identity. It was Austria’s official submission for the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 84th Academy Awards. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Karl Markovics
Actors: Georg Friedrich, Georg Veitl, Gerhard Liebmann, Karin Lischka, Klaus Rott, Luna Mijović, Peter Raffalt, Reinhold G. Moritz, Stefan Matousch, Thomas Schubert
Country: Austria
Company: Cine Styria, Epo-Film Produktionsgesellschaft, Filmfonds Wien
Worldwide Gross: $807,436