In a tale set in the past, Angie, a veteran actress, reluctantly agrees to participate in one final film project for a disreputable producer. The shoot takes place in a charming, old cabin nestled deep within a dark forest. During the production, the cast and crew come across Henry and his sweet little sister, Patti, two enigmatic children who appear to reside in the woods. On the second night of filming, a brutal assault throws Angie and the crew into a state of panic. They barricade themselves inside the isolated cabin, realizing they are trapped and surrounded by an unknown attacker. Could these two children be behind the savage attacks?
Views: 2
Director: Mike Nichols
Actors: Alana Curry, Dan Shaked, Darbi Worley, Jim J. Barnes, Kristina Klebe, Marianne Hagan, Mike Nichols, Shira Weitz, Steve Carey, Zoe Sloane
Country: United States of America
Company: BreadCrumbs The Movie, Industrial Motion Pictures, Moves Productions