Boy A
Directed by John Crowley, this 2007 film follows the story of a young man, recently released from prison, as he attempts to reintegrate into society under a new identity. The narrative delves into themes of redemption, identity, and the struggle to escape a troubled past. Andrew Garfield stars in a compelling performance, capturing the complexity of his character’s journey. The film is noted for its sensitive portrayal of difficult subject matter and has been praised for its emotional depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Crowley
Actors: Alfie Owen, Andrew Garfield, Anthony Lewis, James Young, Jeremy Swift, Katie Lyons, Peter Mullan, Shaun Evans, Siobhan Finneran, Taylor Doherty
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cuba Pictures, Film4, The Weinstein Company
Worldwide Gross: $1,202,375