In this intense horror thriller, three college friends embark on a trip to a Mexican border town, seeking adventure and a break from their routine lives. However, their vacation takes a terrifying turn when they become entangled with a dangerous cult that practices human sacrifice. The film, directed by Zev Berman, is inspired by true events and features a gripping performance by Brian Presley. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it stands out for its chilling atmosphere and suspenseful narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Director: Zev Berman
Actors: Beto Cuevas, Brian Presley, Damián Alcázar, Jake Muxworthy, Marco Bacuzzi, Martha Higareda, Mircea Monroe, Rider Strong, Roberto Sosa, Sean Astin
Country: Mexico, United States of America
Company: Emmett/Furla Oasis Films, Emmett/Furla/Oasis Films (EFO Films), Freedom Films, Tonic Films
Worldwide Gross: $703,399