In this intriguing film directed by Ali Abbasi, the story follows Tina, a customs officer with an extraordinary sense of smell, who becomes entangled in a mysterious investigation after meeting a stranger named Vore. As Tina’s unique abilities lead her to uncover unsettling truths about herself and the world around her, the narrative delves into themes of identity and belonging. The film, which won the Un Certain Regard award at the Cannes Film Festival, features standout performances by Eva Melander and Eero Milonoff. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Oscar 2019, Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Ali Abbasi
Actors: Allison Tolman, Andreas Kundler, Ann Petrén, Eero Milonoff, Eva Melander, Joakim Olsson, Jörgen Thorsson, Kjell Wilhelmsen, Matti Boustedt, Rakel Wärmländer, Sten Ljunggren, Tomas Åhnstrand, Viktor Åkerblom, Viktor Åkerblom-Nilsson
Company: Black Spark Film & TV, Kärnfilm, Meta Film Stockholm
Worldwide Gross: $2,177,678