Bonded by Blood
Set in the gritty underworld of Essex, this crime drama delves into the lives of notorious drug dealers and their violent exploits. The film is based on real events, chronicling the rise and fall of a group of criminals known as the “Essex Boys.” Starring Tamer Hassan and Vincent Regan, the movie offers a raw portrayal of betrayal and ambition. Directed by Sacha Bennett, it captures the tension and volatility of the criminal underworld. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Sacha Bennett
Actors: Dave Legeno, Kierston Wareing, Lucy Brown, Michael Socha, Nathan Constance, Neil Maskell, Siobhan Hewlett, Susie Amy, Tamer Hassan, Terry Stone, Vincent Regan
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Gateway Films, Prime Focus