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Bon Lin
Natsuko Yotsuya, also called Bon and portrayed by Ema Sakura, is a teenager residing in a small town. Her friend, Miyu-chan, lives in Tokyo with her boyfriend, who mistreats her. Determined to rescue Miyu-chan, Natsuko teams up with her childhood friend Rintaro Tomoda, known as Lin and played by Mahiro Takasugi, to travel to Tokyo. They enlist the help of a man they encountered on an online forum dedicated to “boys’ love” manga enthusiasts, and together they make their way to Miyu-chan’s residence.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Director: Keiichi Kobayashi
Actors: Ari Kadomae, Ema Sakura, Hakushu Togetsuan, Kaho Tsukioka, Mahiro Takasugi, Rino Higa
Country: Japan