Bokura no gohan wa ashita de matteru
The narrative follows the seven-year romantic journey of Ryota Hayama and Koharu Uemura, beginning with their initial date and culminating in marriage. Both are high school students, with Ryota being reserved and aloof, while Koharu is outspoken and cheerful. Their relationship kicks off after a playful rice bag jumping game. Their dates include outings to a fast-food joint, where they start to understand their feelings, and a family restaurant, where they acknowledge their love. Ultimately, they pledge their commitment to each other over a dining table adorned with white rice.
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Director: Masahide Ichii
Actors: Amane Okayama, Chieko Matsubara, Hairi Katagiri, Karen Miyama, Yuko Araki, Yuto Nakajima
Country: Japan
Company: Dub