Bloody Hell
In this darkly comedic horror film directed by Alister Grierson, a man seeking to escape his troubled past finds himself in an even more perilous situation when he travels overseas. The protagonist, played by Ben O’Toole, becomes entangled in a bizarre and terrifying predicament that tests his survival instincts. The film cleverly balances humor and horror, creating a unique viewing experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Alister Grierson
Actors: Ashlee Lollback, Ben O'Toole, Caroline Craig, David Hill, Jack Finsterer, Joshua Brennan, Matthew Sunderland, Meg Fraser, Sophia Emberson-Bain, Travis Jeffery
Country: Australia
Company: Eclectik Vision, Heart Sleeve Productions
Worldwide Gross: $72,147