Blood Quantum
Set in a post-apocalyptic world, this film explores a unique twist on the zombie genre, where the Indigenous inhabitants of the Red Crow Mi’kmaq reserve discover they are immune to a zombie plague that has decimated the rest of the population. The narrative delves into themes of survival, cultural identity, and the tensions between the Indigenous community and outsiders seeking refuge. Directed by Jeff Barnaby, the movie features standout performances from stars like Michael Greyeyes and Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers. This gripping tale can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Jeff Barnaby
Actors: Brandon Oakes, Devery Jacobs, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Forrest Goodluck, Gary Farmer, Kiowa Gordon, Michael Greyeyes, Olivia Scriven, Stonehorse Lone Goeman, William Belleau
Country: Canada
Company: Prospector Films
Worldwide Gross: $30,132