Blood Paradise
After her latest book fails to impress, renowned crime novelist Robin Richards (played by Andréa Winter) is dispatched by her publisher to the Swedish countryside in search of fresh inspiration. Isolated in this rural setting, she encounters a variety of eccentric individuals, including her driver who is also her most devoted fan, his explosively envious wife, and the increasingly unstable owner of the farm where she is staying. Robin, who is perpetually dressed for the glamorous city life, feels out of place in this new environment and soon realizes the potential danger posed by these quirky characters. Patrick von Barkenberg’s unpredictable debut film, in which he also plays Robin’s boyfriend, is enveloped in a dreamlike atmosphere and infused with quirky humor, yet remains anchored by Winter’s captivating performance.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Patrick von Barkenberg
Actors: Andréa Winter, Christer Cavallius, Frankie Batista, Martina Novak, Patrick von Barkenberg
Country: Sweden, United States of America
Company: Von Barkenberg Productions