Blood Child
“Blood Child” is a horror thriller inspired by real events. The story follows Bill and Ashley DiAngelo, who appear to be living an idyllic life with an overseas assignment in Singapore and a baby on the way. However, their happiness is shattered when Ashley suffers a miscarriage and falls into a severe depression. Unknown to Bill, Ashley becomes convinced that the only way to connect with her lost child is through a Southeast Asian occult ritual to create a “ghost child.” She enlists the help of her Indonesian maid, Siti, to locate a bomoh, or witch doctor, capable of capturing the spirit of unborn children. Despite Siti’s attempts to dissuade her from engaging in such dark practices, Ashley remains determined. Meanwhile, Bill, hoping to move past the tragedy, suggests they return to Minnesota to start anew. A few months after settling back in the U.S., the couple is unexpectedly expecting another child.
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Jennifer Phillips
Actors: Alyx Melone, Biden Hall, Charlotte Cattell, Cynthia Lee MacQuarrie, Lisa Kovack, Tanya Rigley
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Castles in the Air Pictures, Laughing Cat Productions