Blinky Bill the Movie
In this animated adventure, a young and adventurous koala embarks on a journey across the Australian outback to find his missing father. Along the way, he encounters a variety of quirky characters and faces numerous challenges that test his courage and determination. The film features the voices of well-known actors such as Ryan Kwanten and Toni Collette, adding depth and charm to the vibrant characters. Directed by Deane Taylor, the movie offers a delightful mix of humor and heart, appealing to audiences of all ages. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: Deane Taylor
Actors: Barry Humphries, Barry Otto, Billy Birmingham, Charlotte Rose Hamlyn, Deborah Mailman, Richard Roxburgh, Robin McLeavy, Ryan Kwanten, Tin Pang, Toni Collette
Country: Australia, India, Ireland
Company: Assemblage Entertainment, Flying Bark Productions, Telegael
Worldwide Gross: $4,634,032