Set against the rugged backdrop of Bolivia, this film follows an aging Butch Cassidy, played by Sam Shepard, who has been living under the alias James Blackthorn. As he yearns to return to the United States, his plans are disrupted when he encounters a young Spanish engineer, portrayed by Eduardo Noriega, who is on the run after a heist gone wrong. Directed by Mateo Gil, the movie explores themes of redemption and legacy, weaving a narrative that questions the myths of the Old West. While it didn’t receive major awards, it offers a contemplative take on the Western genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Western
Director: Mateo Gil
Actors: Cristian Mercado, Daniel Aguirre, Dominique McElligott, Eduardo Noriega, Luis Bredow, Magaly Solier, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Pádraic Delaney, Sam Shepard, Stephen Rea, Доминик МакЭллигот
Country: Bolivia, France, Spain, United Kingdom
Company: Arcadia Motion Pictures, Ariane Mararía Films, Quickfire Films
Worldwide Gross: $987,883