The film centers on Sean Randall, a troubled teenager who is wrongly accused of plotting a Columbine-style attack. The story unfolds as Sean (played by Connor Jessup) forms an unexpected friendship with Deanna Roy (portrayed by Alexia Fast), a preppy girl. This friendship alarms Deanna’s boyfriend, leading to a violent altercation. In an attempt to defend himself, Sean posts a death threat online, which results in his immediate arrest. During a police search of Sean’s home, they discover firearms, knives, and ammunition, all belonging to Sean’s father, Ricky (Michael Buie), an enthusiastic hunter. Additionally, they find a so-called “hit list” containing the names of twenty individuals who have bullied Sean. The authorities and media quickly declare that a potential Columbine-like tragedy has been averted, and Sean is soon facing the grim reality of being detained in a juvenile facility. Sean’s only chance lies in shedding his negative image and proving his innocence to Deanna and the wider community.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Jason Buxton
Actors: Alex Ozerov, Alex Ozerov-Meyer, Alexia Fast, Connor Jessup, Craig Arnold, Hezekiah Armstrong, Jeremy Akerman, John Beale, Michael Buie, Tanya Clarke, Wayne Burns
Country: Canada
Company: A71 Productions, Festina Lente Productions, Story Engine Pictures