Black Sheep
In this 2006 horror-comedy directed by Jonathan King, the story unfolds on a remote New Zealand farm where a genetic experiment goes awry, turning sheep into bloodthirsty predators. The film follows a group of characters, including Henry Oldfield, played by Nathan Meister, as they struggle to survive the onslaught of these mutated creatures. With its unique blend of humor and horror, the movie offers a satirical take on genetic engineering and rural life. While it didn’t receive major awards, it gained a cult following for its quirky premise and practical effects. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jonathan King
Actors: Danielle Mason, Glenis Levestam, Ian Harcourt, James Ashcroft, Min Windle, Nathan Meister, Oliver Driver, Peter Feeney, Richard Chapman, Tammy Davis, Tandi Wright
Country: New Zealand, South Korea
Company: New Zealand Film Commission, New Zealand On Air, The Daesung Group
Worldwide Gross: $4,947,717