Black Pond
In this darkly comedic drama, the Thompson family finds themselves at the center of a media frenzy after a stranger dies at their dinner table, leading to a series of bizarre and unsettling events. The film stars Chris Langham and Simon Amstell, whose performances add depth to the quirky narrative. Directed by Tom Kingsley, the movie explores themes of isolation and the absurdity of modern life. It was nominated for a BAFTA Award, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Tom Kingsley, Will Sharpe
Actors: Amanda Hadingue, Anna O'Grady, Arnab Chanda, Bernadette Russell, Chris Langham, Colin Hurley, Helen Cripps, Simon Amstell, Sophia Di Martino, Will Sharpe
Country: United Kingdom