Birdboy: The Forgotten Children
In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of children embarks on a perilous journey to escape their desolate island in search of a better life. The film, directed by Alberto Vázquez, is a dark and visually striking animated feature that delves into themes of hope, despair, and the struggle for survival. It has been praised for its unique animation style and compelling storytelling. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Alberto Vázquez, Pedro Rivero
Actors: Andrea Alzuri, Eva Ojanguren, Félix Arcarazo, Felix Arkarazo, Jon Goiri, Jorge Carrero, Josu Cubero, Josu Varela, Maribel Legarreta, Nuria Marín
Company: Abrakan Estudio, Basque Films, Competencia Producciones, La
Worldwide Gross: $54,845