Shinobu Takamura, portrayed by Asami Mizukawa, is a budding artist. Her life takes a bewildering turn when she is accused of passing fake currency. Shinobu is baffled by this accusation, as she was at home at the time of the incident and has never engaged in such activities. Officer Kanou arrives and escorts her to a location where a crowd has assembled. The people gathered there are troubled by the presence of entities that resemble and mimic them exactly. These mysterious doubles are referred to as “bilocations.”
Views: 3
Director: Mari Asato
Actors: Asami Mizukawa, Kenichi Takitoh, Kento Senga, Kosuke Toyohara, Sho Takada, Wakana Sakai, Yosuke Asari
Country: Japan
Company: Kadokawa Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $142,286