In this dark comedy directed by Richard Linklater, the story unfolds in a small Texas town where a beloved mortician, played by Jack Black, forms an unlikely friendship with a wealthy but unpopular widow, portrayed by Shirley MacLaine. As their relationship develops, unexpected events lead to a shocking crime that captivates the local community. The film is notable for its blend of documentary-style interviews with fictional storytelling, adding a unique layer to the narrative. Matthew McConaughey also stars, delivering a memorable performance as the district attorney. This intriguing tale, based on true events, can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Comedy, Crime, Drama
Director: Richard Linklater
Actors: Brady Coleman, Brandon Smith, Christian Stokes, Dale Dudley, Grant James, Jack Black, Larry Jack Dotson, Mathew Greer, Matthew McConaughey, Merrilee McCommas, Mona Lee Fultz, Richard Robichaux, Rick Dial, Shirley MacLaine, Tommy G. Kendrick
Country: United States of America
Company: Detour Filmproduction, Mandalay Vision, Wind Dancer Productions
Worldwide Gross: $10,173,061