In this 2016 film directed by Felix Van Groeningen, two brothers, Frank and Jo, embark on a journey to transform a small bar into a vibrant and popular nightclub. As their establishment gains fame, the brothers find themselves grappling with the challenges of success, personal ambitions, and the complexities of their relationship. The film is noted for its dynamic soundtrack, which plays a crucial role in capturing the energetic atmosphere of the nightclub scene. While it did not receive major awards, it was well-received for its raw and authentic portrayal of ambition and brotherhood. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama
Director: Felix Van Groeningen
Actors: Ben Benaouisse, Boris Van Severen, Charlotte Vandermeersch, Dominique Van Malder, Hélène De Vos, Jean-Michel Balthazar, Sara de Bosschere, Stef Aerts, Stefaan De Winter, Tom Vermeir
Country: Belgium, France, Netherlands
Company: Menuet bvba, Pyramide Productions, Topkapi Films
Worldwide Gross: $600,455