Becoming Santa
In “Becoming Santa,” Michael Gross and Meredith Baxter, known for their roles in “Family Ties,” reunite as the iconic Mr. and Mrs. Claus. The film also features Laura Bell Bundy, Tony Calero, and Jesse Hutch. The story centers on Holly, who has kept her toy designer boyfriend, Connor, in the dark about her family’s true identity, only mentioning that they reside “up north.” As their romance deepens, Holly realizes it’s time for Connor to meet her family during the Christmas season. To his surprise, Connor finds himself traveling to the North Pole, where he learns that Holly’s parents are Santa and Mrs. Claus. Despite encountering Holly’s former flame, Jack Frost, Connor makes the most of his visit. The question remains: is Connor prepared to advance their relationship, especially when it involves stepping into the role of the next Santa?
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Holiday Comedy, TV Movie
Director: Christie Will Wolf
Actors: Gabe Khouth, Jesse Hutch, Julian Speckmaier, Laura Bell Bundy, Meredith Baxter, Michael Gross, Michael Teigen, Miranda Frigon, Scott Patey, Tony Cavalero
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Annuit Coeptis Entertainment II, Johnson Production Group