In this intense military thriller, a DEA agent, played by John Travolta, is called in to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a sergeant and several cadets during a training exercise in the Panama jungle. As the investigation unfolds, the narrative becomes a complex web of deception and conflicting testimonies, with each character offering a different version of events. The film also stars Samuel L. Jackson, adding to its star power. Directed by John McTiernan, known for his work on action classics, the movie keeps viewers guessing until the very end. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: John McTiernan
Actors: Brian Van Holt, Connie Nielsen, Cristián de la Fuente, Dash Mihok, Giovanni Ribisi, John Travolta, Roselyn Sánchez, Samuel L. Jackson, Taye Diggs, Tim Daly
Country: Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Intermedia Films, Phoenix Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $42,792,561