Barbie In The Nutcracker
In this enchanting animated film directed by Owen Hurley, Barbie takes on the role of Clara, a young girl who embarks on a magical journey after receiving a Nutcracker as a gift. The Nutcracker comes to life and, together, they venture into a fantastical world to confront the evil Mouse King. The film is notable for its use of Tchaikovsky’s iconic score, bringing a classic ballet to life in a new medium. While it did not receive any major awards, it remains a beloved entry in the Barbie film series. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Family, Musical
Director: Owen Hurley
Actors: Alex Doduk, Cathy Weseluck, Christopher Gaze, French Tickner, Ian James Corlett, Kathleen Barr, Kelly Sheridan, Kirby Morrow, Peter Kelamis, Tim Curry
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Family Home Entertainment (FHE), Mainframe Entertainment, Mattel, Mattel Entertainment