Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams
In this animated adventure, Barbie embarks on an exciting journey to New York City, where she meets a new friend who shares her name and passion for music. Together, they navigate the challenges of a prestigious performing arts program, learning valuable lessons about friendship, self-discovery, and following their dreams. Directed by Scott Pleydell-Pearce, the film features vibrant animation and catchy musical numbers that captivate audiences of all ages. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it offers an engaging storyline for young viewers. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Animation, Family, Music, Musical
Director: Scott Pleydell-Pearce
Actors: Alejandro Saab, Amber Eliese May, America Young, Cassandra Lee Morris, Dinora Walcott, Giselle Fernández, Greg Chun, Joshua Tomar, Lisa Fuson, Ritesh Rajan
Country: United States of America
Company: 4Kids Entertainment, Big Idea Productions, Mattel Television
Worldwide Gross: $50,357