Set against the backdrop of a picturesque Cornish fishing village, this film explores the tensions between traditional ways of life and modern encroachments. The story follows Martin, a fisherman struggling to maintain his livelihood as his brother repurposes their family home into a tourist rental. Shot in striking black and white using a vintage 16mm camera, the film offers a unique visual experience. It has received critical acclaim for its innovative approach and storytelling, winning the BAFTA for Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director, or Producer. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama
Director: Mark Jenkin
Actors: Chloe Endean, Edward Rowe, Georgia Ellery, Giles King, Isaac Woodvine, Janet Thirlaway, Jowan Jacobs, Martin Ellis, Mary Woodvine, Morgan Val Baker, Simon Shepherd, Stacey Guthrie
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Early Day Films
Worldwide Gross: $740,158