Bad Hair
Set in 1989, this horror-comedy film follows an ambitious young woman named Anna, played by Elle Lorraine, who works at a music television network. In a bid to advance her career, she gets a weave that seems to have a mind of its own, leading to unexpected and terrifying consequences. The film explores themes of cultural identity and the pressures of conformity. Directed by Justin Simien, it features a notable cast including Vanessa Williams, Laverne Cox, and Lena Waithe. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Justin Simien
Actors: Blair Underwood, Chanté Adams, Elle Lorraine, James Van Der Beek, Jay Pharoah, Kelly Rowland, Laverne Cox, Lena Waithe, Usher, Vanessa Williams
Country: United States of America
Company: Culture Machine, Sight Unseen Pictures