Autumn Blood
Set against the stunning backdrop of the Austrian Alps, this film tells the harrowing story of two orphaned siblings who must fend for themselves after the death of their mother. As they struggle to survive in isolation, they face threats from the outside world that test their resilience and bond. The film stars Sophie Lowe and Peter Stormare, delivering compelling performances that capture the raw emotions of their characters. Directed by Markus Blunder, the movie is a visually arresting exploration of innocence and survival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Markus Blunder
Actors: Annica Bejhed, George Lenz, Gustaf Skarsgård, Hansa Czypionka, Julia Dietze, Maximilian Harnisch, Nelly Gschwandtner, Peter Stormare, Sophie Lowe, Tim Morten Uhlenbrock
Country: Austria, United States of America
Company: Cult Film, Dreamrunner Pictures, Mountain Film
Worldwide Gross: $4,024