In this chilling Argentine horror film directed by Demián Rugna, a series of terrifying and inexplicable events unfold in a suburban neighborhood, drawing the attention of a group of paranormal investigators. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter malevolent forces that defy logic and challenge their understanding of reality. The film is noted for its intense atmosphere and innovative approach to the horror genre. While it may not have received major awards, it has garnered a cult following for its effective scares and storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Demián Rugna
Actors: Agustín Rittano, Bruno Giacobbe, Demián Salomón, Elvira Onetto, George Lewis, Julieta Vallina, Laura Manzaneda, Lorenzo Langer, Matias Rascovschi, Maxi Ghione, Natalia Señorales, Norberto Gonzalo
Country: Argentina
Company: Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA), Machaco Films
Worldwide Gross: $367,173