Ashens and the Quest for the Gamechild
In this comedic adventure, Stuart Ashen embarks on a quest to find a rare and elusive handheld gaming console, the GameChild. Alongside his loyal friend Chef Excellence, Ashen navigates a series of humorous and bizarre encounters with eccentric characters. The film features performances by Stuart Ashen and Warwick Davis, adding a touch of charm and wit to the narrative. Directed by Riyad Barmania, this film is a delightful blend of nostalgia and humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Riyad Barmania
Actors: Chris Kendall, Dan Tomlinson, Emma Croft, Mawaan Rizwan, Millie Reeves, Richard Sandling, Robert Llewellyn, Stuart Ashen, Victoria Broom, Warwick Davis
Country: United Kingdom
Company: ChannelFlip