“Artifact” is a documentary from 2012, helmed by Jared Leto, who used the alias Bartholomew Cubbins, a character from Dr. Seuss’s stories. This film explores the creation of the album “This Is War” by the band 30 Seconds to Mars, as well as their legal struggles with the record company EMI. The documentary features various interviews, including one with neurophysicist Daniel Levitin, known for his popular science book “This Is Your Brain On Music.” “Artifact” was honored with the BlackBerry People’s Choice Documentary Award at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival.
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Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Jared Leto
Actors: Angelica Cob-Baehler, Bam Margera, Brandon Boyd, Chester Bennington, Flavor Flav, Irving Azoff, Jared Leto, Serj Tankian, Shannon Leto, Tomo Miličević
Country: United States of America