Arthur Christmas
In this heartwarming animated film, the story unfolds at the North Pole, where Santa’s high-tech operation ensures the delivery of presents to children worldwide. However, when one child’s gift is accidentally overlooked, Santa’s clumsy but well-meaning son, Arthur, embarks on a mission to save the day. The film features the voices of James McAvoy, Hugh Laurie, and Bill Nighy, adding charm and humor to the narrative. Directed by Sarah Smith, this delightful holiday adventure showcases the importance of family and the spirit of Christmas. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 22
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Holiday Animation
Director: Barry Cook, Sarah Smith
Actors: Adam Tandy, Alan Short, Alistair McGowan, Andy Serkis, Ashley Jensen, Bill Nighy, Bronagh Gallagher, Clint Dyer, Cody Cameron, Danny John-Jules, David Menkin, David Schneider, Deborah Findlay, Dominic West, Donnie Long, Emma Kennedy, Eva Longoria, Finlay Duff, Hugh Laurie, Iain McKee, Ian Ashpitel, Imelda Staunton, James McAvoy, Jane Horrocks, Jerry Lambert, Jim Broadbent, Joan Cusack, Julia Davis, Kerry Shale, Kevin Cecil, Kevin Eldon, Kris Pearn, Laura Linney, Marc Wootton, Michael Palin, Naomi McDonald, Pete Jack, Peter Baynham, Ramona Marquez, Rhys Darby, Rich Fulcher, Rich Hall, Robbie Coltrane, Ryan Patrick Donahoe, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Sarah Smith, Seamus Malone, Seeta Indrani, Stewart Lee, Tamsin Greig
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Aardman Animations, Bluebush Productions, Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation
Worldwide Gross: $151,419,357