Army of the Damned
In this horror thriller directed by Tom DeNucci, a small-town police chief and his team find themselves in a terrifying battle against supernatural forces after responding to a domestic disturbance call. The film features a cast that includes horror icon Tony Todd and wrestler-turned-actor Tommy Dreamer, adding a unique blend of talent to the chilling narrative. As the officers confront the undead, they must navigate a night of chaos and survival. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Genre: Horror
Director: Tom DeNucci
Actors: David Chokachi, Jackie Moore, Jessica Lussier, Joe Siriani, Joey Fatone, Michael Berryman, Nick Principe, Sully Erna, Tom Laughlin, Tom Paolino, Tony Todd
Country: United States of America
Company: Woodhaven Production Company