Anything For Jackson
In this chilling horror film directed by Justin G. Dyck, an elderly couple, played by Sheila McCarthy and Julian Richings, are grief-stricken after the loss of their grandson. They resort to dark arts in a desperate attempt to bring him back, leading to unexpected and terrifying consequences. The film skillfully blends elements of horror and dark comedy, creating a unique narrative that keeps viewers on edge. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it has been praised for its innovative approach to the genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Director: Justin G. Dyck
Actors: Claire Cavalheiro, Daxton William Lund, Josh Cruddas, Julian Richings, Kaitlyn Leeb, Konstantina Mantelos, Lanette Ware, Scott Cavalheiro, Sheila McCarthy, Yannick Bisson
Country: Canada
Company: Vortex Productions
Worldwide Gross: $496,008