In this action-packed French film, a seasoned cop and his team of unconventional officers take on a ruthless gang of criminals in a high-stakes battle. The movie stars Jean Reno, known for his roles in “Léon: The Professional” and “The Da Vinci Code,” bringing his signature gravitas to the lead role. Directed by Benjamin Rocher, the film combines intense action sequences with moments of humor and camaraderie among the team. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers a thrilling ride for fans of the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Benjamin Rocher
Actors: Alban Lenoir, Caterina Murino, Jakob Cedergren, Jean Reno, Jean-Toussaint Bernard, Oumar Diaw, Sabrina Ouazani, Sébastien Lalanne, Stéfi Celma, Thierry Neuvic
Country: France, United Kingdom
Company: Capture The Flag Films, Empreinte Cinéma, SND Films, Vertigo Films
Worldwide Gross: $3,056,677