In a tranquil town, Tess, a newcomer, grapples with her psychosis while trying to adapt to her new life with her mother. She unexpectedly discovers a memorial for Lucy, a victim of a hit-and-run, and soon becomes plagued by visions of the deceased girl, causing her to once again doubt her mental stability. As Lucy’s spirit takes hold of Tess’s mind and soul, both mother and daughter find themselves unsure of where to seek help: through faith or medical intervention. Both avenues have previously let them down, but their faith guides them to Sarah, Lucy’s grieving mother, who has been in despair since the tragedy. With time running out, Sarah clings to the hope that Lucy lives on within Tess, while neither mother wants to abandon their child. Now aware of her situation, Tess faces a crucial decision: to continue battling her condition or to surrender to it.
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Director: Sonny Mallhi
Actors: Amberley Gridley, Annika Marks, Christian Litke, Cliff Chamberlain, Karina Logue, Paulina Olszynski, Ryan O'Nan, Ryan Simpkins
Country: United States of America
Company: Anguish Film
Worldwide Gross: $42,890