An Extremely Goofy Movie
In this animated comedy, Goofy’s son, Max, heads off to college, eager to experience independence and the thrill of campus life. However, his plans take an unexpected turn when Goofy, his well-meaning but clumsy father, decides to join him at college after losing his job. The film explores themes of family, friendship, and the challenges of growing up, all wrapped in a series of humorous and heartfelt moments. Notably, the movie features the voice talents of Bill Farmer as Goofy and Jason Marsden as Max. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a beloved sequel in the Disney franchise. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Douglas McCarthy, Jamie Thomason
Actors: Bebe Neuwirth, Bill Farmer, Brad Garrett, Jason Marsden, Jeff Bennett, Jim Cummings, Kath Soucie, Pauly Shore, Rob Paulsen, Vicki Lewis
Country: Australia, Serbia and Montenegro, United States of America
Company: Disney Television Animation, Disneytoon Studios, Walt Disney Animation Australia