An Elephant Sitting Still
Set in a bleak, industrial town in northern China, this film intricately weaves together the lives of four disillusioned individuals over the course of a single day. Each character grapples with their own personal struggles and yearns for escape, with the mythical tale of an elephant that sits still serving as a symbol of hope and endurance. The film is notable for its raw and unflinching portrayal of human despair and resilience, and it marks the directorial debut of Bo Hu, who tragically passed away before its release. While it did not receive major awards, it has been praised for its profound storytelling and cinematography. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bo Hu
Actors: Chaobei Wang, Kong Wei, Kong Yixin, Li Congxi, Li Danyi, Peng Yuchang, Wang Yuwen, Xiaolong Zhang, Zhang Yu, Zhenghui Ling
Country: China
Company: Dongchun Films
Worldwide Gross: $39,599