An American Haunting
Set in the early 19th century, this supernatural thriller explores the chilling events that befell the Bell family in Tennessee, as they are tormented by a mysterious and malevolent spirit. The film stars Donald Sutherland and Sissy Spacek, who deliver compelling performances as the beleaguered parents trying to protect their family from the unseen force. Directed by Courtney Solomon, the movie delves into themes of fear, guilt, and the supernatural, drawing inspiration from one of America’s most famous ghost stories. While it did not receive any major awards, it remains a notable entry in the horror genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Courtney Solomon
Actors: Donald Sutherland, Gaye Brown, James D'Arcy, Matthew Marsh, Miquel Brown, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Sam Alexander, Sissy Spacek, Susan Almgren, Thom Fell, Vernon Dobtcheff, Zoe Thorne
Country: Canada, Romania, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Allan Zeman Productions, Midsummer Films, Remstar Productions
Worldwide Gross: $29,612,137